When and How to Find a Personal Injury Lawyer
If you’ve recently been injured in an accident that could have been avoided, you may need to consider finding legal counsel. You shouldn’t have to pay for personal injuries if the accident was caused by someone else’s negligence or willful intent.
Some injuries take months or years to recover from, and that doesn’t include coping with the emotional trauma that often...
How To Choose The Best Accident Lawyers In Orange County
How To Choose The Best Accident Lawyers In Orange County
Choosing the best accident lawyers can mean the difference between living with debilitating injuries and receiving fair compensation for them. Vehicle crash victims may suffer from a temporary or permanent physical and emotional disability. Broken bones, whiplash, concussions, and internal injuries can limit income and cause financial...
When Do You Need To Hire A Car Accident Lawyer In Orange County?
When Do You Need A Hire A Car Accident Lawyer?
Having a personal injury attorney on speed dial may seem unusual. But it’s a practical thing to do, especially since you never really know when you’ll need to hire a car accident lawyer.
Car accident lawyers are actually personal injury attorneys, and taking care of your car accident claim is only one of the many tasks they handle. And...
Motorcyclist Hit By Car On 405 Freeway in Orange County Awarded $21 Million By Los Angeles Jury
Rare video footage from a helmet camera shows a motorcyclist getting hit by a car on the 405 Freeway, in Orange County, CA. The motorcyclist was legally splitting the lanes on the right side of the carpool lane, when a driver illegally veered out of the carpool lane, hitting the motorcyclist. The impact from the car sent the motorcyclist careening across three lanes of the 405 Freeway before...
How Much To Expect From A Car Accident Settlement
If you’re browsing online to learn how much to expect from a car accident settlement, it probably isn’t worth the effort. Car accident settlements aren’t awarded based on an average or scale. Every situation is different, including the location of the accident, the extent of your injuries, and how much insurance coverage the at-fault party has.
Car accidents account for the largest portions of...